



Statistics from Eurostat 歐盟統計局資料庫

Statistics Explained
Statistics A-Z
Statistics by subject
Statistics database
Eurostat - Official EU statistics homepage 歐盟統計局

Most popular statistics from Eurostat 最常查詢的數據

Inflation rate (annual) 通貨膨脹率 (每年統計情形)
Inflation (monthly) 通貨膨脹(每月統計情形)
Employment rate 就業率
Unemployment rate 失業率
Total population 人口統計
Growth rate of GDP volume - percentage change on previous year GDP成長率統計
GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards GDP資料

Statistics from other sources 其他統計資料

RAMON - Statistical classifications 統計分析
RAPID - Press Releases 報章新聞

Toys 玩具
Textiles and clothing 紡織品與衣物
Science, technology and innovation 科學、科技與創新
Occupational safety and health statistics
Information society
Humanitarian aid 人道援助
Footwear 鞋類
Fisheries 漁業
EU’s main trading partners – economic and trade figures 歐盟主要貿易夥伴
Environment 環境
Agriculture 農業
Statistics from the European Central Bank
The figures underpinning the ECB’s monetary policy
Facts and figures about Europe
Information on population, education, Europeans at work and other subjects

Agriculture 農業主題

FADN - Agriculture (evaluation of holdings' income)
Leader+ - European Database of Approved Transnational Cooperation Projects
LAGs (European Database of Local Action Groups - Leader+)

Archives 檔案方面

Historical Documents of the institutions (depository)
Archive of the Intergovermental Conference 2000 for the reform of the treaties (Commission)
Archive of the Convention for the Charter on Fundamental Rights (Council of the EU)
ARCHISplus Historical Archives of the European Commission

Bibliographic / Documentary References 文件方面

VET-Bib (Vocational Education and Training Bibliographical database)
RSC - Robert Schuman Centre (European University Institute) publications database
International agreements
ECLAS - European Commission Libraries Catalogue

Contacts 聯絡聚點

EU Whoiswho, the official directory of the European Union
Database on Advice and Information Contact Points

Customs and Trade 關稅與貿易方面

TRANSIT - Customs Office List (authorised customs offices)
TARIC - Customs (Duties)
SIGL - Quota levels for imports of clothing and steel products
QUOTA - Customs : Tariff quotas / tariff ceilings
OHIM - Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
Market Access (Europa) - World Trade (Access to Markets)
JEREMIE - Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises
INFO GATS - World Trade (Services)
Export Helpdesk
ECICS - Customs (Classification of chemicals)
BTI - Customs (Binding Tariff Information)

Environment 環境方面

URBAN - Good Practice in Urban Management & Sustainability
LIFE-Third Countries database
LIFE-Nature project database
LIFE-Environment project database
EPER - European pollutant emission register
Environmental Taxes - Environmental economics (taxes)
ESIS - Existing Chemicals (ESIS) database

External Relations, Development Assistance 對外關係、發展援助

PHARE - Enlargement (Pre-accession aid programmes)
Individual Experts - External Aid
CFSP - Common Foreign and Security Policy, Council documents
AGREEMENTS of the European Community with third countries or international bodies (Council of the EU)

Industry / Energy 工業、能源方面

TRIS (Technical Regulations Information System)
LEGICHIM - Chemicals (legislative database)
AGORES - Renewable Energy Sources

Legal 法律方面

Register of Commission documents
REGISTER - Public register of Council documents
PRELEX - Legislation (Follow-up of legislative procedures)
Plenary sessions, working documents, texts adopted, debates: European Parliament
OEIL - Legislative Procedures (European Parliament)
JHA - Justice & Home Affairs, Council documents
EUR-Lex - Legislation
CURIA - Case Law

Procurement 採購

TED - (Tenders Electronic Daily) Procurement
SIMAP - Public Procurement Opportunities
EuropeAid Tenders / Grants
External aid instruments of the European Commission

Public Health 公共健康方面

Medicines-information database (EMEA)
Injury Database (IDB)
EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health

Regions and local development 區域發展

'Success stories'
database on the projects supported by the European Social Fund
'Success stories' database
'Success stories' database on the projects supported by the Structural Funds (and the Cohesion Fund)
Overall Profiles of cities in EU and candidate countries (Urban Audit)
Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas
'How Cities Compare' database (Urban Audit)
'How cities rank' database (Urban Audit)
Regional Policy (Programmes Database)
'City structure' database

Research 研究方面

Transport Research Knowledge Center (TRKC)
Susta-Info - common on-line database of research results and best practices
Social Protection Social Inclusion
Career opportunities for researchers
INCO: International Cooperation in Research & Development

Social: Employment, Consumers, Education, Drugs 社會:就業、消費者、教育、藥品

Vocational Education and Training Bibliographical database
PROGRESS programme (database of projects)
Learning Opportunities throughout the European Space
Living conditions in the cities in the EU and candidate countries (Urban Audit)
LEONARDO - Education
Information and publications on Education Systems and Policies in Europe
European Database for Financial Education
programmes and possibilities for young people and other actors in the youth field
EURopean Employment Services (Jobsearch database)
EQUAL database of projects
EQUAL (Employment Community Initiative) database of projects
European Legal Database on Drugs
European Industrial Relations Observatory
Exchange on Drug Demand Reduction Action
DAPHNE - Violence
Publications on employment and social affairs
CLAB - Consumers (unfair contract terms)

Taxation 稅制

VIES : VAT number validation
Taxes in Europe
Tax and Customs on-line databases

Transport and travel 運輸與旅遊

Public Register of Authentic Identity and Travel Documents Online

Terminology 專門用語方面

Inter-Active Terminology for Europe
Multilingual thesaurus covering the fields in which the EU is active

Public opinion 民意調查資料

Public opinion - Eurobarometer 民意調查資料
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