EU Databases
Statistics from Eurostat
- Statistics Explained
- Statistics A-Z
- Statistics by subject
- Statistics database
- Eurostat - Official EU statistics homepage
Most popular statistics from Eurostat
- Inflation rate (annual)
- Inflation (monthly)
- Employment rate
- Unemployment rate
- Total population
- Growth rate of GDP volume - percentage change on previous year
- GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards
Statistics from other sources
- RAMON - Statistical classifications
- RAPID - Press Releases
- Toys
- Textiles and clothing
- Science, technology and innovation
- Occupational safety and health statistics
- Information society
- Humanitarian aid
- Footwear
- Fisheries
- EU’s main trading partners – economic and trade figures
- Environment
- Agriculture
- Statistics from the European Central Bank
- Facts and figures about Europe
- FADN - Agriculture (evaluation of holdings' income)
- Leader+ - European Database of Approved Transnational Cooperation Projects
- LAGs (European Database of Local Action Groups - Leader+)
- Historical Documents of the institutions (depository)
- Archive of the Intergovermental Conference 2000 for the reform of the treaties (Commission)
- Archive of the Convention for the Charter on Fundamental Rights (Council of the EU)
- ARCHISplus Historical Archives of the European Commission
Bibliographic / Documentary References
- VET-Bib (Vocational Education and Training Bibliographical database)
- RSC - Robert Schuman Centre (European University Institute) publications database
- International agreements
- ECLAS - European Commission Libraries Catalogue
- EU Whoiswho, the official directory of the European Union
- Database on Advice and Information Contact Points
Customs and Trade
- TRANSIT - Customs Office List (authorised customs offices)
- TARIC - Customs (Duties)
- SIGL - Quota levels for imports of clothing and steel products
- QUOTA - Customs : Tariff quotas / tariff ceilings
- OHIM - Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
- Market Access (Europa) - World Trade (Access to Markets)
- JEREMIE - Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises
- INFO GATS - World Trade (Services)
- Export Helpdesk
- ECICS - Customs (Classification of chemicals)
- BTI - Customs (Binding Tariff Information)
- URBAN - Good Practice in Urban Management & Sustainability
- LIFE-Third Countries database
- LIFE-Nature project database
- LIFE-Environment project database
- EPER - European pollutant emission register
- Environmental Taxes - Environmental economics (taxes)
- ESIS - Existing Chemicals (ESIS) database
External Relations, Development Assistance
- PHARE - Enlargement (Pre-accession aid programmes)
- Individual Experts - External Aid
- CFSP - Common Foreign and Security Policy, Council documents
- AGREEMENTS of the European Community with third countries or international bodies (Council of the EU)
Industry / Energy
- TRIS (Technical Regulations Information System)
- LEGICHIM - Chemicals (legislative database)
- AGORES - Renewable Energy Sources
- Register of Commission documents
- REGISTER - Public register of Council documents
- PRELEX - Legislation (Follow-up of legislative procedures)
- Plenary sessions, working documents, texts adopted, debates: European Parliament
- OEIL - Legislative Procedures (European Parliament)
- JHA - Justice & Home Affairs, Council documents
- EUR-Lex - Legislation
- CURIA - Case Law
- TED - (Tenders Electronic Daily) Procurement
- SIMAP - Public Procurement Opportunities
- EuropeAid Tenders / Grants
Public Health
- Medicines-information database (EMEA)
- Injury Database (IDB)
- EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
Regions and local development
- 'Success stories'
- 'Success stories' database
- Overall Profiles of cities in EU and candidate countries (Urban Audit)
- 'How Cities Compare' database (Urban Audit)
- 'How cities rank' database (Urban Audit)
- 'City structure' database
- Transport Research Knowledge Center (TRKC)
- Susta-Info
- Social Protection Social Inclusion
- INCO: International Cooperation in Research & Development
Social: Employment, Consumers, Education, Drugs
- VET-Bib
- PROGRESS programme (database of projects)
- Living conditions in the cities in the EU and candidate countries (Urban Audit)
- LEONARDO - Education
- European Database for Financial Education
- EQUAL database of projects
- EIROnline
- DAPHNE - Violence
- CLAB - Consumers (unfair contract terms)
Transport and travel
Public opinion
- Public opinion - Eurobarometer
- Opinion polls
Surveys and studies on European issues (since 1973)