News Website
European News
German News Websites
- Berlin Online
- Stern
- Spiegel
- Focus
- Tagesspiegel Online
- Sueddeutsche Zeitung
- Handelsblatt
- Frankfurter Rundschau
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
- DPA (Deutsche Presse Agentur GmbH)
- Die Welt
- APA (Austria Press Agendum)
French News Websites
- le point
- le nouvel observateur
- l’express
- le libération
- le fenêtre sur europe
- Le Monde
- Le Figaro
- Ministere de l'agriculture
- Assemblee Nationale
- Les Journaux officiels
Spanish News Websites
- Prensa Digital
- Titulares
- Kisosco Internet
- La Vanguardia
- El Pais
- El Mundo
- La Estrella Digital
- Aquí Europa
- Expansión Directo
- La Moncloa
- El INE
- El BOE
- AdmiWEB
EU events
- Court of Justice, Court of First Instance and Civil service tribunal
- Diary
- European Economic and Social Committee
- In the spotlight and events calendar
- Committee of the Regions
- Agenda of plenary sessions, commissions meetings and conferences
- European Investment Bank
- List of events
- European Central Bank
- Weekly schedule of public speaking engagements and other activities
- European Commission
- The Commission agenda, updated weekly
- EU Council
- Presidency calendar, main topics for the coming fortnight, open sessions…
- European Council meetings
- Information on the latest and forthcoming meetings of Heads of State or government
- European Parliament
- Calendar of meetings and plenary sessions
- EU calendar
- Weekly, monthly or quarterly calendar for all institutions
EU press services
- Broadcasting facilities
- Broadcast professionals can freely access the full range of audiovisual services provided by the European institutions
- Accreditation
- Details on how to apply for press accreditation to access the buildings of the EU institutions
- Press services of EU institutions
- Links to press centres and websites of the various EU institutions and bodies
- EU press room
- One-stop shop for journalists - top EU news and press packs on key topics
EU videos and photos
- EUTube
- EU videos on YouTube
- Videos, photos and audio file libraries
- Audiovisual material on the European institutions' activities
- European Central Bank webcasts
- Live and on-demand webcast of the Bank’s monthly press conference
- European Commission webcast portal
- Webcasts of conferences organised by the Commission
- Council of the EU video streaming
- Live and on-demand streaming of Council deliberations
- EuroparlTv
- Webcasting from the European Parliament
- Europe by satellite
- The EU’s TV information service EbS, provides media professionals with EU-related audiovisual material via satellite and web